The Web Marketing Association is looking for the best technology websites in the world as part of their 25th annual international WebAward Competition for Web site development at
The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets benchmarks for 96 industries, including technology, computer hardware, computer software, electronics, information services, applications services providers, interactive services and internet service provider websites, based on the seven criteria of a successful web site. The deadline for technology web sites to enter to be judged is May 28, 2021.
“The technology industry is very competitive when it comes to Web development and companies can benefit from the independent evaluation of their online efforts,” said William Rice, President of the Web Marketing Association. “Technology web sites have scored the highest in interactivity and design, but in past years, judges have shown they can do even better by getting innovative to stand out from the other sites and make the visitors remember them, even after they’ve left the site.”
Websites are judged on seven criteria including design, innovation, content, technology, interactivity, copy writing and ease of use. Each WebAward entry in the technology category is judged against other technology websites and then against an overall standard of excellence.
All technology entrants benefit from receiving valuable feedback in terms of their specific criteria scores compared against the average scores for their industry. They also may receive specific comments from the WebAward’s professional judging panel on their Web site development efforts.