Celebrating 2017 with kids

Happy New Year!

Soon 2016 is history and lots of fireworks will light up the sky. Enjoying the New Year when you have children brings a new host of challenges, especially if you’re a newer parent. The makers of Mommy’s Time Out Wine understand and have offered some great ideas to celebrate 2017.

Celebrate at Home
Being a parent is stressful enough, but combine it with trying to compete for a babysitter and staying out late only to get up early. This only adds to the pressure. Try celebrating with a nice family dinner, put the kids to bed with their usual routine, and then snuggle in front of the TV with some special late night treats.

To avoid the morning-after champagne headache, why not enjoy just a glass or two of wine with some late night snacks like an imported cheese and some fresh fruit? Mommy can enjoy a glass of Mommy’s Time Out wine, while Dad can indulge in a glass of Dad’s Day Off Chianti! At a suggested retail of just about $10 per bottle, the celebration won’t break the bank like expensive champagne.

Make Some Family Memories
New Year’s Day is a great day to make some family memories that will last a lifetime. Try taking a family photo with someone holding up a sign with the year.  It’s also a great day to measure everyone against the door jam, so they can look back at their growth in years to come.

Set Goals
Get the whole family involved in goal setting.  Have everyone share a goal for the coming year and brainstorm as a family steps necessary to make that goal a reality.  Find ways to reward one another along the way and remember to check in over dinner once a month to keep those goals front and center!  This is a great way to forge family cooperation and show the kids how to accomplish something as a team.

Look Back, Count Your Blessings
While looking to the future is great, take time to look back on the year and count blessings. Remind each other and the children of all the good things that happened, and teach the family how to appreciate what they have. One way to do this is to ask each family member to write down three things they were thankful for in 2016 and share them over dinner on New Year’s Eve. Keeping them in a scrapbook and looking at them every few years will also serve as a reminder of what’s truly important.

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