Entefy gets patent for private search

Alston Ghafourifar, CEO of Entefy.

Searching online and privacy is not an easy mix, but Entefy is one step closer to making it possible. A new patent strengthens the data security and search capabilities of Entefy’s core technology, deepening its ability to protect users’ privacy.

This newly issued patent represents encryption technology that offers “the increased security and privacy of client-side encryption to content owners, while still providing for highly relevant server-side search-based results via the use of content correlation, predictive analysis, and augmented semantic tag clouds for the indexing of encrypted data.”

“Innovation is critical to Entefy in the pre-launch stage of our development. To overcome the many technical challenges our team is addressing requires the development of new technologies in AI, search, and data security. It was rewarding to learn the USPTO had issued this patent,” said Entefy CEO Alston Ghafourifar. “We are expecting additional issuances this year and beyond.”

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