We all use PDF files all the time. And often we need to convert the PDF files or perhaps convert other files to PDF files. In the past few years there has been an abundance of PDF converters released, however none of those can possibly compare with what Cometdocs recently brought to the table. Several weeks ago we were honored to find out about it, and now inform you that the last PDF converter you’ll need is here – PDF Converter Ultimate.
This app is by far one of the finest works of development that came out of the Cometdocs mobile center, as they as a company have dedicated their work to developing only the finest and most valuable mobile apps. However, it may seem that this time they have outdone themselves!
- Here are some basic things to keep in mind when taking a look at this app:
- PDF Converter Ultimate doesn’t have a limit on the number of files or file size when it comes to conversion
- Every conversion is done within a few minutes (usually no more than 2 minutes), even with the most complex files
- It can convert both native and scanned PDFs
- The app supports more than a dozen file formats
- Every converted file is in its optimal editing format after conversion (e.g. .docx for MS Word)
- You don’t need to have the app running at all times when converting which can save your battery
- You can import files from Gmail, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and Box cloud services
Let’s take a look inside
This app has a very simple user interface, which makes it super easy to use. The app’s main screen will guide you through the app without too many difficulties. Here’s a short guide on how to do your first conversion!
Step 1: Download PDF Converter Ultimate from AppStore or Google Playstore
Since the app is available on both platforms, feel free to choose your prefered version! Once you’ve downloaded it, the app should show on your device. Tap on the icon to open it.
Step 2: Connect to your preferred cloud service
Once you open the app you will be looking at the app main screen. On the top of the screen you will see 6 different ways of importing your files, one being from the phone memory and other 5 are integrated cloud services. Choose your favorite cloud service and tap on it. Once you’ve done that the app will ask for your permission to access the files and log in info.
Step 3: Select which file you want to convert
Once you’ve entered your login information and approved the app permissions, the app will show you a list. Every PDF file you have within the service you logged into will be on this list, with the oldest being on the bottom and newest files on top of the list.
Step 4: Wait for the file to be converted
Once you have selected the file, PDF Converter Ultimate will send it to Cometdocs servers for conversion. Make sure you stay connected to your wifi or data plan, otherwise the conversion process might be stopped. The converted file will appear on the main screen, just below the importing cloud services.
Step 5: Preview and open your new file
As soon as conversion is finished you will see that the icon to the left of the file has changed. Tap on the file in order to give it a preview. If you click Open In in the bottom left corner of your device, the app will offer you a choice of apps available to edit this file.
We hope that you like the app and have enjoyed this short how-to! If you do like the app make sure you leave a comment and rate it on your app store of choice!